
Postal Service names top cities for dog bites

The US Postal Service released statistics naming the cities where most dog bites of postal workers occured. Topping the list is Houston, TX, with “62 letter carriers attacked in 2010.” (They use the words “bitten” and “attacked” interchangeably; I think there is a difference between a bite and an attack. But I digress.)

In a press release, the Postal Service says that medical expenses from dog attacks cost the Postal Service nearly $ 1.2 million last year. According to the Insurance Information Institute, dog attacks accounted for more than one-third of all homeowners’ insurance liability claims paid out in 2010, costing nearly $ 413 million.

The top 10 cities for postal worker dog bites are:

Top cities where postal workers were bitten by dogs.

In recognition of National Dog Bite Prevention Week (May 15-21), the American Veterinary Medical Association (AMVA) offers the following tips on how to avoid being bitten by a dog:

How to Avoid Being Bitten

  • Don’t run past a dog. The dog’s natural instinct is to chase and catch you.

  • If a dog threatens you, don’t scream. Avoid eye contact. Try to remain motionless until the dog leaves, then back away slowly until the dog is out of sight.

  • Don’t approach a strange dog, especially one that’s tethered or confined.

  • People choosing to pet dogs should obtain permission from the owner first and always let a dog see and sniff them before petting the animal.

  • If you believe a dog is about to attack you, try to place something between yourself and the dog, such as a backpack or a bicycle.

How to Be a Responsible Dog Owner

  • Obedience training can teach dogs proper behavior and help owners control their dogs.

  • When a carrier comes to your home, keep your dog inside, away from the door in another room.

  • Dogs can be protective of their territory and may interpret the actions of letter carriers as a threat. Please take precautions when accepting mail in the presence of your pet.

  • Spay or neuter your dog. Neutered dogs are less likely to roam and bite.

  • Dogs that receive little attention or handling, or are left tied up for long periods of time, frequently turn into biters.

You can read the entire press release here.

