
Dog Bite!

I got bitten by a dog tonight!!

There’s this man who breeds horses along our lane, in a field and he keeps an Alsatian there to guard the horses… but this dog can come out anytime. Thing is the man doesn’t live there, and I never ever see him to ask him to put a fence up to keep the big dog in!
But tonight, first time in AAAGES he was actually in the field, cleaning out the stables.. so I went to ask him.. and as I asked him, two terriers came growling at me and one of them bit me! I was so frustrated and ANGRY! His gate was wide open, and he TOLD me, “Yeah these dogs bite!”

Well I carried on going running with my friend, by the time we’d finished our jog my leg was all bloody. And the bruise really came out.

Here’s a pic of it. Two nice little puncture wounds and a small one. It’s been leaking blood and lymph all night and kinda hurts!

So I called the police! It’s the THIRD time I’ve been bitten by a dog along our lane.
Hopefully I’ll get a visit from a police person tomorrow.

Thing is I’m a dog person mostly – but rescue dogs are mostly friendly, it’s when the dog has been taught its OK to bite, that’s when you get trouble. These dogs were nervous as anything – just like the owner. Come on people! Train your dogs!

Rant over :) )

But on the lighter side – or heavier – check out my heavyweight Summer Squash from the polytunnel, awesome or what?
And my cucumber plants are still CHUCKING OUT THE CUKES! love it.. means I can have my daily shot of wheatgrass and cuke juice everyday.

I’ve recently bought sunflowers in their husks to grow sunflower sprouts.
Also I had a new jar of Kika Green Powder – it’s got every green plant ever in it, love it. Non heat treated, dried freezed kelp, chlorella, blue green algae, amaranth, spirulina, barleygrass – the works.

I always feel raw inspired in the Autumn! Don’t ask why :) I guess to me Autumn is time of creativity and magic – LOVE IT! BRING IT ON!! WHOOHOO!

